Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Nail Biting Polish is Designed to Prevent You from Biting Your Nails!

There are many different colors and textures of nail polishes are coming to the market these days. However, not all these products are equipped with the right kind of ingredients that promotes a healthy living for the users and also bring good health for your nails. Maintaining natural look of your nails is very vital when you are looking for enhanced overall beauty. Bitter Gold has come up with the nail biting polish that will not only prevent you from biting the nails but also it will bring good health for your nails. The anti bite nail polish you avail here is designed with the purpose to prevent you from a bad habit like biting the nails. 

Well, nail biting is really a bad habit. There are many people in this world who bit nails often. They might have started it as a joyful activity when they use to kids but with time this has become a habit. Some of these people cannot even trace when they use to bite nails. When they are in problem, tension or anxiety, they use to do so without being concerned about what sort of bad habit they are conducting. So, when you use the nail biting polish, it prevents you from biting the nails and promotes a healthy living for you. the question is how such nail polish prevents you from doing so? this anti bite nail polish is equipped with a very bitter taste. 

So, once you apply it on your nails and you start biting nails as it has already become a habit for you, the bitter taste prevents you from doing so. This taste is so bitter that you will surely not like to move your fingers around the mouth region. As fingers are not going to come close to the mouth, you will also stay prevented from biting nails.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Bitter Tasting Nail Polish is What You Need to Used to Strengthen Nails!

Germs can move directly into our bodily system when you bite nails. People across the globe know this very well. Despite such fact, there are many people who tend to bite nails. Either they are doing it when they are in tension or some of them might be into such habit as they have started it as a fun activity when they used to be kids. Why people use to bite nails and why for most of them it becomes a habit?

 Well, there is hardly any strong evidence traced regarding this matter! And ladies who use to bite nails exactly make the right call for serious health issues. Well, there is a way to get rid of such bad habit. You might be using nail polishes. Like other ladies, you also love to help your nails look amazing; after it’s a very vital beauty regime for you. So, this time use the bitter tasting nail polish announced by Bitter Gold instead of using those usual ones that you use to buy from the local stores. As the name suggests, this nail polish comes with a very bitter and harsh taste. So, once this is applied on your nails, you are not going to bite nails further due to its bitter taste.

In this way, you can get rid of such bad habit successfully. That sound great, isn’t it? However, this is not the sole thing that is making such bitter tasting nail polish a more popular product these days. It also comes with the biotin and silica like elements that promotes healthy nails. When you apply these nail polishes on your finger nails, they strengthen nails and also make them healthy and well toned ones. If you really want to strengthen nails and wish to prevent them from damage like nail breakage and hang nails, then you must use this bitter tasting nail polish.